Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Many a times one does wonder as to what is one doing here? the ups and downs of the so called symbolic cycles of moods, opportunities, circumstances, basic level of existence always challenge the present status and result in loads of contradictions.

And so one starts thinking why am i here, what was i sent for, what am i supposed to be doing and the umpteen variations of the same. hindu mythology has very convenient answers for all kinds of questions and basic fundamentals... now dont get me wrong i am a firm believer but the convenience factor never ceases to amaze me. conveniently you are born a human - the ultimate form of life 'coz you must have done some good deeds in your previous life, though how does one know that in this life is simply a revelation - an invisible form of "aakashwani”, i guess!

Destiny which plays such an important role in all our daily occurrences of life is often the most avidly used excuse for all the failings, mishappenings, whereas the goodwill is always a reward of the effort and labor. this fatalistic attitude is the saviour for many a people which ensures that they get thru the daily grind. but beyond that there is no scope.. and thats when the existentialist mode sets in. mornings, evenings, night, job, career, home, family, children, money, affluence, poverty, the world at large and finally - life itself.

Why me?

The soul searching the discourses the meditation all play a vital role in arriving at the enlightenment partly which of course has its own concurring recurrences. but ultimately it’s the laid back attitude that emerges the winner – the final full stop to all the reminisces when finally one realizes that no matter what you’ve got to live .. and live you must till you reach “nirvana” whether in body or soul.

So for all the mind-blowing quest of the “answers” we are only left with more questions!